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Proceedings of the Meeting Botany at the intersection of Nature, Culture, Art and Sciences


The scientific meeting for which the Proceedings are published in this volume 28 of Bocconea was not organized by mere chance. It was designed as an appropriate way to celebrate the 80th anniversary of Professor Werner Greuter, tireless protagonist of OPTIMA and key figure in Mediterranean, European and, by certain of his skills, indeed world botany.The two-day Symposium was sponsored by the Section of Botany and Plant Ecology of the STEBICEF Department of the University of Palermo and received substantial support from the Selinunte and Cave di Cusa Archaeological Park, the International Foundation Pro Herbario Mediterraneo, and the Foundation Herbarium Greuter. The scientific programme comprised four sessions with invited speakers, plus a poster session. About one hundred scholars from many countries, young and old, were in attendance, including the authors of reports, lectures, and posters. Some of the papers assembled in this proceedings volume have been published in advance in Flora Mediterranea, volumes 28 (2018) and 29 (2019). Also included here are texts contributed, as a testimony of esteem, by some of professor Greuter’s friends who were unable to be present at the meeting.